Texas lawmaker seeks better Capitol access for disabled

By Matthew Waller
AUSTIN — State Rep. Susan King got a new outlook on life with disabilities during the last legislative session. After falling at a family reunion, the legislator had to use crutches to get around the Capitol.

King, , R-Abilene, knew most every nook and cranny of the historic building, which helped her avoid or navigate the many stairs and corridors of the Capitol. However, she began to worry about others moving through the halls of Texas’ legislative building.

“Just like anything, until you’ve experienced something personally sometimes we don’t have an awareness or a strong interest in what is going on,” King said over the phone Monday.

Now she is trying to open a dialogue and encourage studies on how to better accommodate people with disabilities.

She said she is trying to work with Speaker of the House Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, as part of that effort.

“Speaker Straus is grateful for Representative King’s persistent and effective advocacy on behalf of Texans with disabilities,” Straus spokesman Jason Embry said in an email. “He agrees with her that this is an important issue, and together they will continue to work with the State Preservation Board to improve access to the Texas Capitol.”

Once inside the building, maneuvering is manageable, King said, but there is only one way up the Capitol steps from the outside, via the north entrance. She said the signs are a bit small, and the main entrance overall is on the south side.

“It’s getting into the building which is limited,” King said.

“We have had some conversations with Rep. King’s office,” said Chris Currens, a public information officer with the State Preservation Board.

The board and King’s office had a meeting scheduled, but cold weather in Austin canceled it.

Currens said the board will wait to hear further from King, but as far as any plans to improve accessibility, “at this point we don’t have anything conclusive.”

He noted that the board has an online map showing accessibility routes for the disabled.

Dennis Borel, executive director of the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, said the Capitol has features that make it accessible to an extent, but “what I’ve found is more that some of the things that are in place aren’t well monitored and used,” such as lifts to go to galleries that don’t have a key in place to operate them.

He also said a policy for elevator use could be helpful, including encouraging those who can to use the stairs. Currently people with disabilities who need the elevator can wait up to half an hour during the busy session.

King tried to put through House Concurrent Resolution 17, which would have instructed the preservation board “to conduct a study on improving access to the State Capitol building for persons with mobility impairments,” according to a state description of the legislation. The resolution was introduced but not heard.

King said she wasn’t aiming to make changes because of her experience alone.

“I don’t think a rule or a resolution should be adopted based on one person,” King said. “It should be because it’s the right thing to do.”

Matthew Waller covers state news for Scripps Newspapers and works in Austin. Contact him at mwaller@gosanangelo.com or follow him on Twitter @waller_matthew.

Reprinted with permission from the San Angelo Standard-Times


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