Top Reads, Feb. 13: Davis and abortion bans / Davis expanding Pre-K / Debate at gay marriage hearing

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, in her gubernatorial run told the Dallas Morning News editorial board that she could support a 20-week ban on abortion if it deferred enough to the woman and her doctor. While some accuse her of flip-flopping, others say the remarks are consistent enough for the abortion filibuster-famed senator.

After the two-hour hearing on gay-marriage, U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia said he would decide the case at a later, unspecified time, Austin American-Statesman’s Chuck Lindell reports.
State attorneys argued that “Same-sex marriage, ‘a more recent innovation than Facebook,’ is not deeply rooted in the tradition and history of Texas and cannot be considered a fundamental right that must be protected.”

The Houston Chronicle takes a look at Davis wanting to expand pre-K. Also see yesterday’s post here with a link to the full plan.


Now read this

Wendy Davis education plank promotes access to Pre-K and early reading.

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, has unveiled her third of four education planks in her run for governor. Find the in-depth presentation from her campaign here. She proposes to ensure Pre-K access and “promote early childhood... Continue →