Top Reads, March 3: “Prop” problems / Coming election analysis / Gubernatorial business fund concern

The Texas Tribune’s Jay Root has a story of Victor Hernandez, a Democrat and member of the Lubbock City Council, who denied calling the wife of gubernatorial candidate Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott a “prop” for the Hispanic vote. Abbott alleged that Hernandez did say that, and he cited a blog post from former Republican Party spokesman Bryan Preston. Preston cited a “source.”

The Associated Press’ Chris Tomlinson has a story on how the election could be the first test Democratic efforts to turn Texas into a battleground state. In more analysis, Ross Ramsey at the Trib notes that the Republican Party may need to contend with its elderly base disappearing.

And I have a story on top gubernatorial candidate scrutinizing the governor’s state business incentives. Both have had their concerns, but when it comes down to it, business may continue as usual.


Now read this

Water supply partnership between San Angelo, Abilene and Midland announced

Below you’ll find city releases about the new partnership: San Angelo, TX - Jan. 29, 2014. The mayors of San Angelo, Abilene and Midland pledged their dedication to complete transparency in the deliberations of the West Texas Water... Continue →