Top Reads, March 3: “Prop” problems / Coming election analysis / Gubernatorial business fund concern
The Texas Tribune’s Jay Root has a story of Victor Hernandez, a Democrat and member of the Lubbock City Council, who denied calling the wife of gubernatorial candidate Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott a “prop” for the Hispanic vote. Abbott alleged that Hernandez did say that, and he cited a blog post from former Republican Party spokesman Bryan Preston. Preston cited a “source.”
The Associated Press’ Chris Tomlinson has a story on how the election could be the first test Democratic efforts to turn Texas into a battleground state. In more analysis, Ross Ramsey at the Trib notes that the Republican Party may need to contend with its elderly base disappearing.
And I have a story on top gubernatorial candidate scrutinizing the governor’s state business incentives. Both have had their concerns, but when it comes down to it, business may continue as usual.