Top Reads, Feb. 20: O'Keefe video / Eagle Ford Shale fracking air quality / Senate women’s health hearing

James O'Keefe’s Project Veritas released a video alleging that Battleground Texas, in its efforts to turn the state blue, has contrary to the state election code copied numbers from voter registration forms it collects.
Jonathan Tilove with the Austin American-Statesman reports here.

Three organizations have joined together for a massive report linking fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale with poor air quality.

A state Senate committee is looking at women’s health and child protective services in a hearing Thursday morning, and the Texas Tribune’s Becca Aaronson reports on concerns about an apparent absence of new abortion regulation discussion.


Now read this

Video alleges voter registration practice against law, DA looking into situation

AUSTIN — A conservative group that uses undercover videos to allegedly expose corruption released a 7-minute video Wednesday purporting to show members of a Democratic organization telling volunteers to copy phone numbers from voter... Continue →