Sen. Davis on pre-K and “Waste”

Sen. Wendy Davis’ office wrote a the statement below in response to this article.

From the story: “‘Expanding the population of students served by existing state-funded programs without addressing the quality of existing prekindergarten instruction or how it is being delivered would be an act of negligence and waste,’ according to an Abbott policy proposal, which provides the first glimpse into his education ideas.”

Here is the Davis release:

Wendy Davis to Greg Abbott: The Education of a Texas Child is Not a “Waste”

At Education Roll Out, Abbott Says It Would Be a “Waste” To Expand Pre-K to All Texas Children

Abbott’s Plan: Pre-K For Chosen Few But Not All Hardworking Texas Children Will Set State Backwards

FORT WORTH - Today, Wendy Davis released the following statement after Greg Abbott called it a “waste” to ensure all Texas children have access to full day pre-K in the state:

“The education of a Texas child is not a ‘waste’,” said Wendy Davis. “The fact that Greg Abbott thinks it’s a ‘waste’ to ensure all Texas children have access to pre-K explains why he’s still fighting to defend nearly $200 million in cuts to pre-K in the courtroom. Abbott’s plan of pre-K for the chosen few but not for all hardworking Texas children would set our state backwards at a time we need to prepare for a 21st century economy.”


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