Sen. Davis attacks Abbott’s border security as “hostile” to “Latino community”

Here is the release from Sen. Wendy Davis’ campaign following Abbott’s border security speech :

Abbott’s Border Security Rhetoric Matches Hostile Record

Fort Worth, TX: As Greg Abbott unveiled his latest plan in Dallas today, it is unsurprising that he refused to discuss:

his opposition to the current Texas DREAM Act that enables students to go to college,
his Party’s efforts to repeal birthright citizenship,
or, his open support of hostile and controversial immigration legislation.
“Actions speak louder than words, and Greg Abbott’s actions are downright hostile,” said Campaign spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña. “Greg Abbott’s positions don’t vary much from the ‘stop the invasion’ rhetoric we’re hearing from his allies. Abbott even went as far as comparing the Texas border to a third world country. Unlike Greg Abbott, Senator Davis has a strong record of fighting for all Texans.”

In 2011, Senator Davis coauthored legislation to provide grant funds to district attorneys in the border region to support their efforts to solve key border problems including drug and human trafficking.

Greg Abbott and his allies have been hostile to the Latino community:
Abbott believes the Texas DREAM Act is flawed.”[Abbott] believes the law as structured is flawed and it must be reformed.” [Texas Tribune, October 11, 2013]

Greg Abbott’s allies want to repeal birthright citizenship. “We call on the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the United States to clarify Section 1 of the 14th amendment to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a citizen of the United States with no exceptions.” [Texas Republican Party Platform, 2012]

Abbott joins fight to support Arizona immigration law. “Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is asking a federal court to dismiss the U.S. Justice Department’s lawsuit against the state of Arizona and its new controversial immigration enforcement policy.” [On the Beat with Mary Benton, July 14, 2010]

Republican candidates for Lieutenant Governor want to repeal the DREAM Act. “All four say their intent as Senate president would be to repeal the law, which offers in-state tuition at Texas universities to some in the country illegally if they meet criteria including a Texas high-school degree or its equivalent.” [San Antonio Express-News, October 12, 2013]


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