Lt. Gov. Candidate Todd Staples attacks same-sex commitment ceremonies

Here is the release from Staples’ campaign:

Todd Staples Bashes Texas Judge For Performing Valentine’s Day Commitment Ceremonies For Same-Sex Couples

AUSTIN, TX - Today, Todd Staples, Agriculture Commissioner and conservative candidate for Lieutenant Governor, responded to the report Travis County Judge John Lipscombe and his wife, retired Judge Jan Breland, will provide Commitment Ceremonies for same-sex couples on Valentine’s Day.
“As the sponsor of the constitutional amendment defining marriage in Texas as between one-man, one-woman, I believe it’s wrong for a sitting judge to hold a ceremony mocking our state constitution. It is the responsibility of our judges to uphold the rule of law and every Texan should be upset with this clear attempt to use their trusted position as a seat for activism. This issue has been decided by 76 percent of Texas voters who stood with me in protecting traditional family values,“ stated Todd Staples.
In 2005, as a State Senator, Staples sponsored and helped pass a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one-man and one-woman.


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